Persistent Depressive Disorder Discussion Paper

A chronic kind of depression known as persistent depressive disorder (PDD) manifests as emotions of despair, disinterest in everyday activities, feelings of inadequate self-esteem, and poor self-confidence. It is common for these sentiments to continue for years, and they might interfere with one’s everyday activities, relationships, employment, or education. Children and adolescents suffering from PDD find it challenging to stay optimistic even during good occasions — they are unable to enjoy themselves, constantly complain, and have gloomy moods. It might be challenging to cope with PDD symptoms because of the chronic nature of the condition. It is possible to treat this problem by using a mix of drugs and talk therapy. This paper seeks to explore the recommended treatments for PDD in children, risk assessment, and clinical guidelines for the management of the disorder Persistent Depressive Disorder Discussion Paper.


Recommended Treatment of PDD

A significant risk of mortality and morbidity exists since PDD is a significant driver to the breakdown of interpersonal relationships in children (Schramm et al., 2018). Sertraline is a medication that the FDA has approved to treat persistent depressive disorder. The prescription aids in improving energy levels, hunger, sleep, and attitude, as well as the return of interest in daily life activities (Schramm et al., 2018)Persistent Depressive Disorder Discussion Paper. Moreover, it effectively decreases panic episodes, unpleasant thoughts, worry, and fear.

Off-label drugs for this disorder are antidepressants particularly, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SRIs are antidepressants that work by raising the amount of serotonin in the body. In the brain, serotonin is among the chemical agents (neurotransmitters) that transfer impulses across nerve cells in the neurons. SSRIs work by preventing serotonin from reabsorption into neurons (Vance & Winther, 2021). This increases the amount of serotonin available for use in neurotransmission, which improves communication between neurons. SSRIs are referred regarded as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) since they primarily impact serotonin and no other neurotransmitters.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an example of a non-pharmacological approach. CBT emphasizes the patient’s current issues and sentiments that they are experiencing. In demonstrating how a client’s lousy thinking may result in unpleasant emotions and behaviors, the counselor can help (Furukawa et al., 2018). CBT professionals will work with the patient to help them reframe their thinking in a more positive direction. Depressive symptoms, including the absence of positive impulses, an abundance of strong feelings, and adverse attentional prejudices, may be effectively treated by structurally shifting focus to positive (instead of neutral) elements and generating positive feelings (Furukawa et al., 2018)Persistent Depressive Disorder Discussion Paper.

Risk Assessment That Informs Treatment Decision

Professionals are constantly researching the most reliable method of diagnosing and treating patients dealing with PDD, even though there is no specific therapy for the condition. Patients with PDD can benefit from various treatment options that have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the severity of their symptoms and the frequency of their depressive symptoms (Du et al., 2020). Many studies have been undertaken in the past, and the outcomes have revealed that sertraline is a highly effective medicine for managing PDD in children.

Based on the benefits and risks associated with the medication, a risk assessment will be conducted for each patient. Risk analysis will also require reading the medication booklet, comprehending the contraindications of the medicine, identifying the drug interactions, doing a comprehensive mental evaluation, and monitoring the drug’s side effects (Vance & Winther, 2021).

Clinical Practice Guidelines for PDD

Among the clinical practice standards for PDD are the following: establishing and maintaining a therapeutic partnership with the patient, completing a comprehensive patient mental health assessment, and establishing a proper counseling or treatment setting for the patient (Grover & Avasthi, 2019). The role of patient engagement in decision-making is critical in the maintenance and establishment of a therapeutic alliance, as it allows physicians to address better the issues and desires of patients (Schramm et al., 2018). It is vital to recognize that the symptoms of depression might make it more difficult to form a working alliance with another person. In order to conduct a comprehensive patient psychiatric evaluation, the health practitioner should obtain a complete patient history that includes all significant elements, including mental health history, medications recommended and allergies, and family backgrounds, before beginning the analysis (Schramm et al., 2018). Finally, the health professional must choose the most suitable treatment environment for the client, including considering the intensity of the patient’s symptoms, the patient’s physical state, the patient’s mental status, and whether or not to transfer the patient. These procedures are critical in ensuring that the patient receives high-quality care and treatment.


To summarize, depressive disorders, such as PDD, are associated with feelings of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, and a general lack of interest in activities. The use of psychotherapy or antidepressant medicines in treating this medical issue is a viable treatment option. On the other hand, the two therapy options are advised for achieving the most remarkable outcomes. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most often recommended treatment technique. People who utilize antidepressants in conjunction with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) have been proven to have better results in terms of treatment and to have more positive lives Persistent Depressive Disorder Discussion Paper.


Du, L., Chen, Y., Jin, X., Yuan, W., & Wang, J. (2020). Critical appraisal of clinical practice guidelines for depression in children and adolescents: A protocol for systematic review.

Furukawa, T., Efthimiou, O., Weitz, E., Cipriani, A., Keller, M., Kocsis, J., Klein, D., Michalak, J., Salanti, G., Cuijpers, P., & Schramm, E. (2018). Cognitive-behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy, drug, or their combination for persistent depressive disorder: Personalizing the treatment choice using individual participant data network Metaregression. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 87(3), 140-153.

Grover, S., & Avasthi, A. (2019). Clinical practice guidelines for the management of depression in children and adolescents. Indian Journal of Psychiatry61(8), 226.

Vance, A., & Winther, J. (2021). Irritability and inattention not sad low mood predict impulsiveness in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease209(6), 454-458.

Schramm, E., Klein, D. N., Elsaesser, M., Furukawa, T. A., & Domschke, K. (2020). Review of dysthymia and persistent depressive disorder: History, correlates, and clinical implications. The Lancet Psychiatry7(9), 801- 812. Persistent Depressive Disorder Discussion Paper

TOPIC: Persistence Depressive Disorder

Note: this assignment is geared toward children and adolescents and the information you present in this assignment should address any concerns or practice pearls for this specific population.


(3 pages, 5 references)

  1. Recommend one FDA-approved drug, one off-label drug, and one nonpharmacological intervention for treating your assigned disorder in children and adolescents.
  2. Explain the risk assessment you would use to inform your treatment decision making. What are the risks and benefits of the FDA-approved medicine? What are the risks and benefits of the off-label drug?

3.Explain whether clinical practice guidelines exist for this disorder and, if so, use them to justify your recommendations. If not, explain what information you would need to take into consideration.

4.Support your reasoning with at least three scholarly resources, one each on the FDA-approved drug, the off-label, and a non-medication intervention for the disorder. Attach the PDFs of your sources Persistent Depressive Disorder Discussion Paper